Thursday, May 29, 2008

Los Pinguos Poster

Poster for Los Pinguos. An Argentinean band that fuses different latin rhythms and genres. The poster is to communicate the idea of music and latin culture itself. The poster imagery and main type were linoleum carved so to obtain and refer the handmade feeling of many latin crafts.

Poster para Los Pinguos. Una banda argentina que fusiona diferentes ritmos y generos latinos. El proposito del poster es comunicar tanto el concepto de musica como el de cultura latina ya que esta banda aun no es aun muy conocida. Las imagenes y el texto principal del poster fueron talladas en bloque de linoleo e impresas a mano para referenciar la calidad y el look que poseen las artesanias latinas.


John Kendall said...

Dude!! You work is even awesomer than I remember! I added a link to your blog from mine. Let me know what you're up to, man!

Unknown said...

De verdad me encanta lo que diseñas porque es muy fresco aunque muy clasicoala vez, ya sabes, uno que es intelectual

Ben (the bread winner) said...

I love it. Absolutely amazing, then again you always were.

monica said...

ohh i have seen these posters! i should have known you were the mind behind them!

None said...

Emilio, you are rockin the boat. Keep kickin out those groovy posters.