Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Identity for Grameen Foundation

Logotype for the Grammen foundation. A non profit organization that loans money to people in developing countries to start their own small bussineses. The Logotype is to be both profesional and friendly at the same time. The colors and shapes of the letter are to represent grow, like that of a sprouting seed.

Logo Applications. The logo has many applications, from in the entrance of the headquaters to the jeeps and uniforms of volunteers in-field and the many other diverse items used in both situations.

Logo Regulations.


Nate Mecham said...

This is great! I had know idea you were a logo genius. I guess I should have just taken that as a given. Looks great.

DREW said...


What a cool blog you have. I love the logos.... Very nice, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I like your blog